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№122984 Badges WWII

  1. SA Sport Badge (type 2) - eur.  - sold                               The SA sports badge (original name of the German SA-Sportabzeichen) was established on 28 November 1933 and was initially awarded exclusively to members of the SA. On February 18, 1935, the second and official establishment of the sports badge of assault troops took place. The initiative for this institution belonged personally to the Reich Chancellor of Germany Adolf Hitler (1933 – 1945). Sports insignia could obtain not only a member of the SA, and anyone who decided to take the sports training of the storm troopers (after a night of ” Long knives” used implicit or explicit practice of the neutralization of the SA, by a partial texturization organization).
  2. DRL Deutscher Reichsbund fur Leibesubungen -  150 euro
  3. Badge of the SA-Meeting Brunswik 1931 (2-nd tipe) 95 eur.                                                                   Abzeichen SA-Treffen Brauschweig 1931.
    The badge was established in honor of the SA Congress in Braunschweig in 1931 and was awarded to each participant of the Congress.
    After 1933, the badge received the status of a state award.

78 $

Badges WWII
Badges WWII
Badges WWII
Badges WWII
Badges WWII
Badges WWII
Item Tags: Germany, SA, Therd Raih, storm troops,