Russian Empire. Sign for lower ranks "For excellent Rifle Shooting."
1, Early (light bronze, screw. Berdana) - 100 euros
2, Early (light bronze, screw. Berdana) - 70evro (soldered pin)
3, Late (white metal, Mosin screw) - 90 converted to pendant
Emperor Alexander II of May 10 (May 22), 1879, announced in an order for the military department - "On the establishment of a special metal sign for wearing on the right side of the chest to encourage excellent shooters of all infantry and cavalry units and for their external distinction." Until 1909 he had one degree. It was made of bronze and was a round disk with relief circles in the form of a target, with an inscription around the circumference "For excellent shooting" and two crossed rifles (Berdan) later than Mosin, superimposed on the target. By the highest decree of Nicholas II of August 6 (August 19), 1909, three degrees of this sign were introduced.
1, Earlier fastening - opening paws (first parties in 1879). Size 32*44 mm.