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№121572 Awarding Badge of St. Anne for foreigners.

Russian Imiperia. Awarding Badge of the Order of Saint. Anna for Foreigners (St.Anna Medal). It was approved in 1829 for "awarding persons of foreign service who cannot, according to the property of their duties, be awarded Russian orders." The first type of badge continued until 1911, when a new model of the badge was approved. The badge was attached to the ribbon of the Order of St. Anne and was worn on a common block. Since 1829 in 1910, according to the chapter of the Russian Orders, ONLY 2778 people were awarded this distinction.

Extremely rare..

The composite badge, gold lining with enamel is soldered to the gilded base.

Gold, silver, gilding, hot enamel. No stigma. Size 20 * 30 mm.

1788 $

Awarding Badge of St. Anne for foreigners.