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№121100 Photos of Russian Navy Sailors

Russian Empire. Photographs of the lower ranks of the Russian Imperial Navy.

1. Seaman from the cruiser "Rurik" - 30euro
2. Sailors from the battleship "Andrei the First-Called" - 30
3. Seaman from the battleship "Petropavlovsk" - 30
4. A group of sailors from the cruiser "Oleg" photographed in the ventilation pipe of the cruiser. - 90
5. Seaman from battleship "Gangut" - 70
6. Seaman from "Pallada" - 70
7. Sailors from the battleship "Slava" - 70
8. Seaman from "Aurora" - 30
9. Seaman from "Bayan" - 30
10. Seaman from the miner "Rastoropny" photo after 1917 - 30
11. Seaman from the miner "Prozorlivy" - 30
12. Seaman from the miner "Riyanoy" - 30

Size 140*90mm.

Photos of Russian Navy Sailors