WW2. The gift from the Red Army soldier Jakov Krochmal.
Annikki and Rusko the cities in Finland.
USSR. 1940. Sea field-glass 8*40. In very good condition, very seldom meets.
Imperial Russia. The field-glass sea the Swiss production (C.Votkey) , belonged to the Head geodetic department of the Navy of ...
Russian Empire.Ball jetton of the Sea Engineering School (MIU) of 1901. The ball was usually held every year on December ...
USA. Revolver Colt Navy M of 1851. Six charging capsule revolver of Colt "Navy model 1851 of year". With 1851po1873gg ...
Russian Empire.Ball jetton of the Sea Engineering School (MIU) of 1910. The ball was usually held every year on December ...
Western Europe. First half of the 19th eyelid. The sea flintlock gun with the self-leaning-back stiletto. The lock mechanism with ...