Anniversary badge "50 years to the Finnish rifle battalions". In total 8 rifle battalions on military districts of Finland (figure from 1 to 8 on a pursuit) and one dragoon were educated (a shoulder strap without number)
4/7/1881 - Most highly poveleno to create 8 Finnish Rifle battalions.
By 1882 are created:
- 1st Nyulandsky Finnish Rifle battalion
to Helsingfors (Finnish IN).
- 2nd Abosky Finnish Rifle battalion
in Abo
- 3rd Vazsky Finnish Rifle battalion
to Nikolayshtadt
- the 4th Uleaborgsky Finnish Rifle battalion in Uleaborg
- 5th Kuopiosky Finnish Rifle battalion
in Kuopio
- 6th S. Mikhelsky Finnish Rifle battalion.
in S. Michel
- 7th Tavagusky Finnish Rifle battalion
in Tavastgus
- 8th Vyborg Finnish Rifle battalion
to Vyborg.
6/29/1901 - The Finnish Rifle battalions are abolished.
1. The 1st Nyulandsky battalion - 95 euros
2. Dragoon - 95 euros
Bronze, hot enamel. Size 25mm.